Tuesday, October 18, 2011

GOP Presidential Debate: What Hollywood Is Saying

The Republican presidential candidates met up again for another debate Tuesday night.our editor recommends Jackie Mason Says Michele Bachmann Should Drop Her Presidential Election Bid'Family Guy's' Seth MacFarlane Reveals Ideal GOP Presidential Ticket for 'Wall-to-Wall Comedy' (Video)Campaign 2012: Hubbard Broadcasting Chief Endorses Michele Bachmann's Presidential Campaign (Report)Hulk Hogan Turns on President Obama on Fox News, Dismisses '9-9-9' Plan Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann, businessmanHerman Cain, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, Texas Rep. Ron Paul, Texas Gov. Rick Perry, former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney and former Pennsylvania senator Rick Santorum held forth on issues including jobs, freedom of religion, undocumented workers, securing the border, home foreclosures and nuclear waste at the Venetian Resort in Las Vegas. PHOTOS: Best Presidents in Film and Television The event, which aired on CNN and was moderated by Anderson Cooper, came a week after the New Hampshire debate. Several people in Hollywood hit Twitter to react to the candidates' comments in real time with a series of tweets, including Kathy Griffin. "Wow watching @CNN @AndersonCooper host GOP debate," she wrote. "Romney/Perry girl fight reminding me of a Bad Girls Club spring break." She also responded to a comment from one of her followers: "I know! Awkward. I'm waiting 4 Perry 2 say 'jive turkey' RT @thr33jimmy: @ Rick Perry just called H Cain "brother "..WTF??" PHOTOS: Actors Who've Played Politicians Actress Ellen Barkin was even more vocal in her tweets, which included: -- "OMG...is this really f---in real??? It's like the beginning of a UFC fight!!! F--- those jokers...ima get a drink or 17 -- "In this corner are 7 giant, gaping a--holes. Oh wait, a--holes have no corners. -- "I feel like I'm in the f---in Roman Colosseum." -- "These food analogies are killing me. Hurry. Get these jokers on Top Chef now!" -- "They r not equipped 2 talk about healthcare.They r not HEALTHY...&they certainly don't CARE. They should call it SICKF---or F----THE-SICK." -- "This is not a debate, if Coop is the moderator,whose the ref? -- "When are they bringing in the gladiators and lions and s---...it's Vegas baby!!!" -- "Why the f--- is any non Ayrian in that f---in room? Please, someone's god, answer me. Herman???" STORY: Disappointed Hollywood Giving Obama Cold Shoulder Brothers Justin and Eric Stangel, who serve as head writers/executive producers on CBS' Late Show With David Letterman, also were critical of the candidates. Justin Stangel quipped: -- "#GOPdebate is in Vegas. Later tonite Michele Bachmann's husband wants to try and 'cure' Thunder From Down Under." -- "Fun Fact: Newt forgot about the debate. He happened to be in Vegas for the whores" -- "I think there's a pretty good chance Anderson Cooper will lose it & call Michele Bachmann a moron" -- "Perry looks like he's going to punch out Romney" -- "I'm all for erecting an electrified wall around Michele Bachmann. Who's with me?" EXCLUSIVE: President Obama Sets Two Hollywood Fundraisers Meanwhile, Eric Stangel chimed in: -- "Vegas #GOPdebate Fact: Michelle Bachmann borrowed her outfit from the Carol Channing impersonator at Legends In Concert" -- "At Vegas #GOPdebate mass confusion as handlers tranquilize Anderson Cooper thinking he was Siegfried & Roy's white tiger" -- "Rick Santorum always looks like he desperately needs a bathroom..." -- "#GOPdebate in Vegas. What's the over/under on number of buffets Newt hit today? I'll say 6" VIDEO: Republican Presidential Debate: Audience Boos Gay Soldier, Sparking Controversy Online Comedian Patton Oswalt also live-tweeted the debate: -- "Glad Bachmann could take a night off of captaining the Battleship Yamamato." -- Bachmann's eyes are outshining her crazy gold buttons." -- "And now Herman Cain, the competent, over-qualified black guy the GOP will never nominate!" -- "I hope the candidates at least get their rooms comped." -- "I hear the words "by jingo!" in my head every time Ron Paul finishes a statement." -- "Who left the papaya with Gingrich's face on it in the Nevada sun all day?" -- "Perry looks like the 'respectable businessman'/secret drug kingpin that Eddie Murphy was always taking down in 80's movies." STORY: CNN Tops Cable News Competition With Republican Debate Comedian-actress Aisha Tyler also made a slew of quips about the candidates: -- "Little Santorum has his claws out. There is so much cat fighting in this debate they should call it Real Housewives of Las Vegas. #meowr" -- "How pissed is Anderson Cooper that Newt Gingrich has the same hairstyle?" -- "If Bachmann doesn't get the nom she can always audition for Julie the Social Director on the remake of The Love Boat." -- "Ron Paul thinks USA has 'too much health care.' Also far too many jobs. Let's raise unemp. to 30% & send the lame limping in the streets." -- "Perry: Romney had illegals working on your property for years. Romney: at least my property wasn't called 'wetback-head.'" -- "Cain would secure the border and keep illegals away by singing each night through a bullhorn into the Mexican night." -- "All Michele Bachman can think about is the martini & two Xanax Marcus is going to give her when this is all over. Sweet darkness, free me." -- "My favorite part of any debate is when one guy is getting his ass handed to him but smiles through the entire excoriation. #romneyvperry" -- "Captain Bachmann would like everyone to stow their tray tables and bring their seats to an upright and locked position." -- "Santorum: blah blabbity well-researched blah! Perry: um, I'd retort if I wasn't drinkin' bourbon & shooting moose 20 mins afore this debate!" -- "Ah, sweet, sweet commercials. Will lie down for three minutes of blessed silence in the darkness. And do a shot." Related Topics Aisha Tyler Ellen Barkin Kathy Griffin Patton Oswalt CNN Anderson Cooper Politics Michele Bachmann Newt Gingrich

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